Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You Won't

The young Boston band really surprised me when I saw them last Saturday along with Joy formidable at the Union Transfer in Philadelphia   They have a familiar Americana feel like that of the Lumineers with a rustic edgy guitar to complement the keyboard and drums.  The first thing that struck me as the entertained the crowd in Philly was the fact that it was only a two man band, but they managed to play 3 instrument along with some harmonica here and there.  The lead singer, Racky Sastri, plays the guitar along with the Mandolin and has an unusually high pitched voice, but it makes the band.  On the other hand we have the combination drummer, keyboarder, harmonica player  Josh Arnoudse who manages to play all three at once during many of the indie rockers songs.  You Won't recently released a twelve song album titled "Skeptic Goodbye" , and if you're a TRUE music fan you will get this album.  I listened to the album several times through and there is not a single song I don't like.  It goes from an upbeat indie jam with "Three Car Garage" and then lays back to a piano and kick drum in "Television", along with many folky guitar jams like "Realize".  You can get there album at band camp for only 10 bucks! They are on tour now with the Joy Formidable and Blood Red Shoes you can see the concert calender at
Check them out an tell me what you think on twitter @alt_indie_music ~ Kevin